
Health Benefits of Peppers

Peppers – both hot and sweet varieties – are a significant source of essential vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants, and pack plenty of disease-fighting properties. Take a look at some of the many health benefits of adding fresh or cooked peppers to your diet!

Olympus Organic Sweet Peppers

Mix some organic (and healthy!) sweetness into your garden with our Organic Olympus Peppers.

Peppers help control cholesterol and provide plenty of vitamins

Capsaicin is an active component in Chili, habenero, cayenne, jalapenos (basically all hot peppers) and has been attributed to preventing cholesterol buildup. Incorporating hot peppers in daily diet can also help reduce inflammation, kill cancerous cells, and prevent sinus infections.

Peppers pack quite a punch when it comes to Vitamin C. Half a cup of chopped sweet peppers contains twice the quantity needed to meet your daily vitamin C requirements. A diet rich in sweet peppers can significantly reduce your risk of inflammatory arthritis. Both hot and sweet peppers are rich in B vitamins and folate which play a significant role in keeping you safe from cardiovascular and coronary heart diseases. A pepper-ful diet can drastically reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Peppers help burn body fat

Remember capsaicin? The component that helps control cholesterol, makes hot peppers hot, also helps boost your metabolism. Sweet peppers have been found to contain a compound named CH-19 Sweet which has effects similar to capsaicin. These compounds prevent the development of immature fat cells into full-blown fat cells. So, you see, incorporating peppers in your everyday meals is one of the simplest ways of weight maintenance. Pepper-up, keep healthy!

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