
Bringing in more birds – and encouraging them to stay!

Keep Bluebirds in YardMany birdwatchers bring birds to the garden for the same reason people keep pet birds – to watch their activity and interactions. However, wild birds have to find and fight for food and nesting spots, often leading them to range over wide spaces – and giving you less time to enjoy them. Some upgrades to the bird feeder and house can help bring more birds to your yard, and encourage them to stay!

Offer quality, variety in food
Different bird species have different dietary requirements. Using quality bird food and offering the birds choices in food will help improve their health and mood.

Choose smart bird feeders
Select the right feeder so that your preferred birds, not other bird species or pests have easy access to the food. If squirrels are a problem, use squirrel-proof bird feeders and save your favorite birds the trouble of fighting off squirrels. There are plenty of smart bird feeders, like Gardens’ Alive’s Triple Seed Feeder that allow you to offer the birds some much needed choice in terms of food.

Bring in better bird houses
Putting out a generic birdhouse is no doubt a generous act. Still, if you can, opt for high-quality bird houses – ones that aren’t likely to leak or fall apart. You can pick from bird houses specifically designed for a specific species so predators and bigger birds can’t enter them. Better, beautiful bird houses will add to your yard’s beauty in addition to providing shelter to your feathered friends.

Get suitable birdbaths
Birdbaths are a source of great respite (in form of drinking water) and great delight (birds love to splash about) to birds. Cold as it is this year, a heated birdbath is exactly what the birds would’ve asked for for Christmas. So if you haven’t already got one in place, order one now.

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