
Temperatures have dropped – how to help your backyard birds?

CH Backyard 1-8-15 2Temperatures have dropped so low, I am actually happy the kid’s schools are closed! This is a phenomenon that seems to be hitting many parts of the country currently. What do we do about the birds in such extreme cold temperature?

You want to provide your backyard friends with good bird seed, suet and other treats to ensure they are getting plenty of protein. This will help them warm up! There may be plenty of snow in your area, as there is in my backyard, and this makes it hard for some birds to find adequate food in your backyard. You will also benefit in providing them with good sources of protein; this will make your backyard a stopover point for all the neighborhood songbirds which gives you the opportunity to see more birds and possibly different species to add to your life list! There is nothing more relaxing than to watch the antics of the feeding birds from your warm living room window with a steaming cup of green tea.

woodpeckerAnother thing you should think about is providing a source of water. Most ponds and other natural water sources will be frozen over in this cold. By constantly changing the water in your bird bath or adding a bath heater to your songbird sanctuary, you can give them the water they need. Water is truly the most important factor in attracting birds; especially in weather extremes.

Stay warm and enjoy your backyard.

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